Shrewsbury International School, Bangkok, Thailand – March 2018



…I know I can get lost in a paper bag but this school is huge and very easy to find yourself in unfamiliar surroundings! Luckily there was always someone around to point me in the right direction. It was fabulous fun to share my stories and Book Journey sessions with Years 1, 3, 5 & 6 and some of Year 2. Thank you, Lisa, and also for inviting me back next year to do two days catching up with the classes I missed and returning to those I saw with new stories. See you again next year!

Librarians – my favourite people!

Librarians are DEFINITELY some of my favourite people.

School librarians are almost always the people I communicate with to set up school visits.They deserve a special ‘Thank you’ as they are fabulous! They plan the visit, arrange a time–table, prepare the children and teachers, put posters up around the school, make fantastic display boards based on my books and follow up the visit with children’s letters, pictures and art work. They also deal with book orders and finances as well as making sure everything runs smoothly. I have water, coffee, snacks, lunch and technicians at hand in case there are any hiccoughs.

So… many, many thanks to you all for your hugely appreciated efforts and enthusiasm.

Kajonkiet International School, Phuket, Thailand – March 2018


A return visit after four years but there were quite a number of children who remembered me (or Patrick, who is famous for stealing the limelight!) I saw all the children from the Tiny Tots aged 2-3 all the way up to Year 6 in two exciting days. Thank you so much, Suzy Carter, for all your input and help and thank you teachers for your very generous feedback! More of that in a separate post.

Lantau International School, Hong Kong



A return visit to Cheung Sha and Tong Fuk. Lots of hilarity fun and games. These smaller schools are always such a pleasure to visit; everyone knows everyone else and the children are full of vim, vigour and vitality. Mischief at the Waterhole produced lots of smiles and laughter.

Utahloy International School Guangzhou, China



…a first for me! I met Chrissy Erwin in Chiang Mai a couple of years ago. When she moved to Guangzhou she invited me to visit UGIS. Sorting out the paperwork was far easier than I anticipated and the visit was a great experience. Patrick and the crew made hundreds of new friends (and learned a few words of Mandarin into the bargain!)

Everywhere I go the children are lively, vivacious and lots of fun. China was absolutely the same and we had a really successful and enjoyable time.

Huge thanks go to the Erwin family for having me to stay. This totally eliminated the anxiety of how to get around a city with barely a word of any appropriate language!

A lovely thank you note from Head of Primary

St Clare’s – Storytelling with an audience of 300 aged 5 to 9



This visit was another ‘first’. 300 children Year 1 to Year 3 for an hour’s storytelling! I was just a tad apprehensive but everything went brilliantly and the girls were bright, lively and lots of fun.


We had a full house of parents and children for ‘The Art of Storytelling.’ This comprised a PowerPoint presentation with tips on making storytelling a lively, exciting and rewarding experience. We worked both with and without books and pictures and had lots of demonstrations. The parents were wonderful, joined in with great enthusiasm, were most appreciative and really found their five to eight year–old selves during the story sessions. I think you created the best storm ever during the swallows migration section of ‘Patrick’s Birthday Message.’