Great news! I now have my own YouTube channel featuring presentations of four of my books, with three more coming very soon.

It’s called Gail Clarke Author and you can access it directly by clicking here.

And this is what it looks like:

As you can see, there’s an introduction from me and videos of presentations of my books, similar to the ones you might have seen on one of my school visits.

One reason I wanted to make my presentations available to as many children as possible is that so many children around the world, as well as adults, are having to spend most of their time at home. Which means they are looking for things to do.

So Patrick and I got together with Chameleon, Cosmos and all the other animals and we decided that YouTube was the way we could help.

The great thing about YouTube is that you can watch it on a phone, a tablet, a computer and even on a television. And you can watch the videos as many times as you like.

I really hope you enjoy the videos and that you will join me on my channel. Once I have made videos of all my own stories, maybe I’ll read some other stories too. So keep checking on the channel to see what’s new.

Bye for now and